Monday, October 25, 2010


Actionaid Rwanda, organized on July 18th, 2010 a Public Radio and Television debate on Early Child Education in partnership with the National Coalition in Rwanda. The debate was part of the global campaign on education plan in our 2010 policy priorities
The panel was composed of the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, Director General in the Ministry Of Education, Actionaid was represented by the Head Of Program and VSO representative. The local media both private and government (press and local Radio) were present.
The aim was to mobilize government in particular and other donors in general  on the  financing of early child education in Rwanda that lacks support  to date (only parents are in charge, issues of curricula, inadequate  infrastructures, disparities between town and rural areas,  alarming situation of nursery schools in rural areas).
Teachers and Parents in the rural areas especially from DAs  took the opportunity  to ask questions and challenge the government  about early childhood education by calling through a  telephone given to them;  they raised issues of unqualified teachers in nursery schools, unpaid teachers in nursery schools, lack of government support in the  early child education  (only parents have been given  the whole  responsibilities including technical and financial as well as paying salaries of teachers in nursery schools) . Members of the coalition present in the debate questioned the government representatives about issues observed in the rural area like the  lack of budget in the national port folio in the area of early child education (only  0.2% out of the education budget is planned for trainings on ECD), lack of  curricula ,etc...
The Minister of Gender and Family promotion clearly described how ECD was an important level for building a firm foundation for universal basic education. She enlightened the audience on the stages of child intellect development from 0-6 years of age. She highlighted issues foreseen in the delivery of education to this level which include lack of teacher training, lack of proper facilities, the community being left unmonitored when trying to set up ECD centres / schools (nursery schools). She emphasized the importance of increasing budget for financing this level of education.
The Director General from the Ministry of Education supported the ECD technical adviser, shared information on the policy and the available materials and showed support that some people were not aware of.  Rural areas communities challenged government on early childhood education. The Ministry of Gender committed to establish one model nursery school per administrative sector i.e 416 schools in the country.
    2 weeks later, the technical adviser in charge of Early Child Development in the Ministry of education called ActionAid office to inform of the decision to train all teachers in nursery schools; the process will evolve government and partner’s resources.   News papers and local radio raised the issues of early child education what increased awareness on the issue both for government and private officials institutions.

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